Tuesday, January 20

Christmas at Home - Part 4 - Walking to the Creek

The first Saturday I was home, Sarah brought the kids over
& we walked to the creek.
Have you heard about the new puppy? He's not going to get very big.
He was about a week new to us when I was there.. and his only name was puppy.
Yes. He was carried to the creek.

Once we got there we sat down beside the creek.. it was a little cool out,
but hey!
The natural entrainment was throwing rocks in.And we discovered that my camera could catch the splash!

The beavers had a dam down water of the bridge.

1.. 2.. 3.. Throw/Click! "How'd it turn out?"

Eventually, we got cold and went back to the house for lunch.
The light rocks are the ones we threw in. :)

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Sunday, January 4

Christmas at Home - Part 3 - Christmas Recital

Katie began with her fiddle. She went to fiddle camp this summer
and has learned a lot. She sounded great.
Esther had harder songs. Including a duet with her piano teacher. : )

Philip was all dressed up in a suit & tie. "I tied my own tie." : )

All the students who preformed for the recital.

It was fun to hear all the kids play such great classics & Christmas songs.
They always do such a great job!

Christmas at Home - Part 2 - Gingerbread Houses

Everyone gets set up with house pieces.
Steady, Liz. Naomi got a book with some new patterns. Liz did one of them.

Philip's house is ready for rain. ; )

Katie's was an impecible pink house.

I didn't take pictures of the rest of the process. I was too busy running some sugar out of hyper kids. : ) Then we were cleaning up. If I get the rest of the pictures from some one, I'll uplaod them.