Wednesday, January 30

Mandy was trying to get my attention by putting a napkin on my head... So, there it sat as a hat. Naturally, she wasn't about to sit there and let me where a hat on my own! : )

This only shows part of the Pizza & party that showed up!

Enoying the food.

Dessert pizza... at least, that was what it was being called when it started.

The whole of the group.... almost. Steve is taking the picture.

It was a great night! The fun of hanging out with friends was such a blessings!

Tuesday, January 22

Snowshoeing up Blewet

There were five of us that set out snowshoeing yesterday. It was sunny and cold, a most beautiful day to be out!

Jared, Dima, and the Initiation Hat

Here's most of our fun group.

Climbing the mountain

Whenever I'm in front I forget to wait for the back people! Bad me!

On the top!!

Well... almost the top.

Although that was as far as we went, it was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time. The only bad thing, is that it had to end! But there is still hope for a next time. I can't wait!